Pope's Rambles

The half awake, half asleep rambles of the Pope. Just keeping track of where my mind wonders to and trying to figure out life.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Wren

the little wren had some how found it's way into my house
it would fly in a half circle and then slam (as muck as a wren can slam) into the window trying to get out
i pulled the curtains over the window, the wren just went to another window
i opened the doors, but for some reason it would not go near them
the wren hit the window again and again, finally it was stunned and sat on the sill
i cupped the wren in my hands a softly as i could
and returned it the great outdoors, to the branches of the lavender bush
the wren stayed there for what seemed like a long time till it flitted away



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